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Writer's picture: G. RENÉE G. RENÉE

Updated: Jun 19, 2022

1. Spend daily alone time with Yahweh/God in a quiet space daily.

Even if you have to set your clock for 4am to get alone time, do that. If you don't know what to say, The Lords Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15) is the perfect starting template.

Have a journal or notepad handy. Write down what you hear - like who to forgive and what to repent of.

2. Read scriptures - write down what you hear or any questions you have. The Father does not mind you asking questions.

3. Play worship music and or sing worship acapella. You can sing while playing instrumental songs by worshippers like Kyle lovett or Nathaniel Coe. You can sing in tongues or in your understanding.

4. Wait on God (spend time listening to his response during or after prayer, worship or reading.

5. Pray often (in tongues or in your understanding).


Avoid most secular music, tv, and movies and secular places right after deliverance - it's like you just had surgery and you need the incision to heal.

Avoid conversations with people you already know are toxic.

7. Pray before telling your testimony. Oftentimes the very people you think will be excited for your deliverance will give you a blank stare or say or do something that could be discouraging, if you are not able to recognize it as warfare

8. Every morning when you open your eyes, thank YHWH for his lovingkindness and anything else you want to thank Him for. He loves gratitude! Do this before checking your phone for social media updates, text and emails unless prompted by Holy Spirit for something He wants you to see.

9. If you have dreams, write them down and pray for interpretation. Pray against any evil covenants made in the dream. Receiving things from people in dreams is not always good, especially not eat food in dreams. Receiving money or paying money in dreams is not necessarily good either. Try the spirit by the spirit.

10. If you meet new people or get prophetc words, try the spirit by the spirit. Ask God/YHWH to show you that person's heart. The enemy can use people to try to take you backwards. Don't go back!

Ask the Father who you should follow in ministry...and who to disconnect Youtubers, Facebook, IG ministries or any "church" ministries. Some "church" ministries have been infiltrated by wolves posing as sheep. Ask Holy Spirit to show you who they are, and act according to His leading. Don't allow them to pray over you. Don't eat, drink or receive things from them.

11. Be careful about responding to people hosting old, ungodly soul ties when they show up (phone calls, text, email). Blocking them on technology is often necessary to keep from going back to toxic relationships.

12. Spiritual housecleaning of physical objects:

Consider throwing away gifts from former, counterfeit lovers.

Throw away objects that are carved in the shape of people or animals (on the earth or in the sea). This includes dolls and stuffed animals. Yes demons are attracted to these items.

Pray concerning certain jewelry and artwork especially those with cowie shells, but also any others as led by Holy Spirit

Kids toys like P-o-kémon cards, power rangers and many ungodly video games, cds, and new age books have to go.

Amulets, charms, sage burning kits, yoga tapes, some secular music tapes, secret society paraphenalia, porn materials, etc. need to be trashed.

“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.” (Exodus 20:4)

Idols and idolatry is an open door to demons.

Keep the door closed.

“Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.” (Acts 19:19)

👉🏽These are just a few tips...some based on scripture...some based on personal experiences and testimonies from those who have received deliverance. Ultimately, let the Holy Spirit guide you through your house while doing spiritual house cleaning.

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This article was really good because MANY NEED to know how to MAINTAIN THEIR DELIVERANCE--- Not only is it VITAL but it can be life-changing-

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