Submitted April 19, 2021
By G. Renée
Unknown Source: Tap Tap Tap!
Me: Pause
Unknown Source: Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap!
Me: Home alone and startled by the clamor on the kitchen bay window, I immediately stopped rummaging through the kitchen junk drawer so that I could go see who was knocking at the kitchen window instead of ringing the front doorbell.
It was January 2017, and I had been looking for AAA batteries to replace the old ones in the remote control, but this really strange noise stopped me in my tracks. I couldn’t fathom why anyone would come around to the back of the house to get my attention. It made no sense.
I walked over to the window and pulled up the shades. To my surprise, the only living creature to be found was a cute little critter we’ve all seen before -- a squirrel. I thought, “There is no way a squirrel had been making all this raucous,” and he continued to do so, even after I made my presence known.
I thought, “This squirrel must be crazy.” I have never seen a squirrel not take off running in the opposite direction when suddenly approached by a human (with the exception of a hungry Florida squirrel that ran up to me for a piece of bread when I was eight years old). But the squirrels in this town don’t do that. He continued tapping loudly on the window. I started rebuking and shewing him away. It was too early in the morning for anyone or anything to be making all this racket. I kept trying to shew him away shouting, “Get outta here...Shew!” What’s crazy is that he came even closer to me in the window. He literally came up next to my face on the other side of the window and stared at me. At that point, I was thinking this has got to be the twilight zone...but it was also at that moment, I got a revelation! I thought, “Maybe this squirrel isn’t so crazy after all... maybe God is trying to show me something symbolically. I generally try to be sensitive to the Ruach (The Holy Spirit). If Elohim could part the red sea, He can speak however and whenever he wants. If He could turn water into wine, He can use a squirrel to get my attention.
Well thank goodness, the squirrel did not start talking! However, I did hear the Holy Spirit say, “What do squirrels do?”
Me: They store up in the summertime because they know winter is coming.
Him: Correct
Squirrel: Stops knocking and casually gets down from the window and slowly walks away (as if his job was done).
Me: Still amazed at the squirrels unusual action (He didn’t run away...he strolled away)
At this point I was thinking about the last thing I was doing before the noisy squirrel showed up and changed my whole life. I had been looking for batteries. So at this point I was guessing I need to stock on some batteries. Maybe we would have a power outage soon. Off to the local drugstore I went to buy a pack of batteries.
I got to the store and while standing on the battery aisle, I heard the voice of The Most High God say, “Prepare!”
I can think of a few occasions when I heard him this clearly, declaratively and boldly. So, I thought wow I need to get a whole bunch of batteries huh? Then he said, “Not just batteries, but there are many things you will need to do to prepare.”
At this point, I was in awe at the clarity of His voice, but I had at least a dozen questions? Like...
What am I preparing for?
When will this happen?
Are you sure you are talking to me?
Am I sure you are talking to me?
Have you told anyone else this?
Is this the end of the world or something?
Should I be worried?
Where will I get the money from?
What do I need?
Why is this happening?
Will my family think I’m crazy like I thought the squirrel was crazy?
How much time do we have?
All these questions raced through my head while I drove home with three packs of batteries, instead of one. Somehow I knew this was the beginning of a time of preparation -- maybe even the beginning of the end of life as we knew it. I called my husband to tell him about the crazy squirrel. I expected him to say, “Yeah right!” But instead, he said the squirrel did the same thing to him earlier that morning while he was preparing to leave for work. At least, I had confirmation that what had just happened to me wasn’t a fluke.
Days went on, and I would later find myself in conversation with other prophetic friends like Tonya Hutchings, Endia Bass, Andrea Ward, Maria Bazile, Julian Ripple, Maria Bazile and Jadine Louissaint, who all had heard similar words, dreams or visions to prepare. We all agreed something was coming. God was shifting. He wanted us to be ready spiritually and physically.
We began exchanging information with each other. I had been studying the Book of Revelation heavy since 2015. It was starting to finally make sense. I could understand it much better than when I was in high school. I understood more about the seven types of churches (five of which God was not pleased). I began to be amazed about the four horsemen, the seven seals, and the plagues that were yet to be fulfilled, but now they certainly seemed like they could be right around the corner now.
When I was growing up, my maternal grandmother used to often say Jesus was coming soon, but somehow it still seemed far away. In the 80s, Andrew Crouch had a song, “Soon and Very Soon, We are Going to See the King!” As an eight grade choir member, I certainly loved humming the tune and singing the lyrics, yet it still seemed like a hundred years away.
Suddenly in 2015, I began having an increase in prophetic dreams and visions. Plus, a remnant of friends, including facebook friends were having them too. When we compared notes, often our dreams were similar or they seemed connected. People were sharing how their children or their nieces and nephews were having dreams. We couldn’t help but think of the scripture:
"'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” Acts 2:17
There has to be something to this!
A few years went by, and I noticed the remnants (few, true Kingdom based men and women of God) were beginning to preach the message of REPENTANCE. The Kingdom of Heaven and the gospel of Jesus were being proclaimed suddenly by those you least expected. People were coming out of secret societies. Pulpits were being exposed. Protest upon protest -- violence was ensuing in the streets. Politicians became less trusted or in some cases idolized. More earthquakes, fires and volcanoes were taking place than ever before in history.
God seemed to be truly shifting, but many never noticed. Like sheep going to slaughter, the blind were leading the blind. Meanwhile, the voice of YHWH was calling deep unto deep. The true prophets were sounding the alarm. “Wake up people before it’s too late!”
2020 hit. Life would never be the same. The new normal would require quite a bit of training. The evangelist starting posting,
“ Can’t you see a brand new day? Jesus is coming! GIve your life to Christ. Only He can save you!”
“Get your House in Order,”
I proclaimed on the Run the Jewelz Talk Show where I was invited to teach on emergency preparedness. We discussed the importance of getting your relationship with God in order as well as having supplies to survive hard times, including famine and tribulation.
We began learning from our favorite prepper channels like Truthunedited, Canadian Prepper and Leadfarmer and so many others. All you have to do is search prepper, prepping or preppers, and you can learn anything from how to can potatoes, how to build a camp fire to which transportable power inverter to purchase. Being prepared to stay indoors for long periods of time is one thing, but preparing a “to go bag” is just as essential. Carrying a “Bug Out Bag'' with you everytime you leave the house could save your life. Since the human body can only go for 3 to 4 days without water and few weeks without food, it is imperative that you become a prepper in 2021. Yes, God can protect us, but if he says “Prepare”, then we best be like the Biblical Joseph and Noah.
People scoffed and mocked at them too, but history should be a reminder to us -- not a novelty.
In 2021, I can prophetically assure you that judgment is upon this nation and others. Most people have chosen to ignore or rebel against the Most High God. While I don’t have all the answers to the when, where and how -- Whether it’s an erupting volcano, an earthquake, a tsunami, a flood, a fire, a tornado, a snowstorm, a pestilence, a zombie apocalypse due to mass poisoning, a famine and or another shut down, the beginning of sorrows has begun for those who have not put their trust in Yeshua/Jesus Christ. For those who have put their trust in Him, He has given us ears to hear the alarm resounding to prepare. He will take care of us as He is YHWH Jireh. He will even partner with His remnant in this season to do great exploits and supernatural miracles to heal the sick and the lame -- to set the captives free by casting out demons in Jesus name. The Glory of our Heavenly Father will show Himself strong and mighty in battle - Yahweh Gibber!
As one who will be prepared, you may want to consider the list below to get started with some basic items. Like our friendly squirrel, be prepared...don’t be scared.
Here is a list of items you can quickly and inexpensively store for longer periods of time:
Bug In (At home)
Rice, Oatmeal, Canned goods (remember a non-electric can opener incase of power outage)
Bottled or Vacuum Sealed Water
Sawyer or Berkey water purification system
Electrolytes (like Gatorade or Powerade, etc)
Life jacket
Toilet tissue
Self-defense items/weapons
License to carry
Bug Out (On the run) Bag:
Water purification: Lifestraw or Sawyer mini plus purification tablets
Datrex ration bars or similar (2400 calories per vacuum seal pkg)
Datrex Vacuum seal water packs (2 per day per person on average)
Camp stove
Vacuum seal food
Bug repellent
Camping knife
Paracord with compass
Change of Clothes
Hiking boots or sneakers
Mask (to avoid smoke inhalation)
Solar radio
Walkie Talkies
Lantern or Flashlight
Flint (fire starter)
Mesh kit (dishes and utensils for camping)
Mylar blanket
Rain Poncho
Feminine Hygiene Products
First Aid kit
Bonuses to Keep in your trunk:
Tent, Heavier Blankets